Hello everyone,
You definitely have noticed that in many HYIP related resources such as
monitors and forums people make huge deal if there is SSL encryption or
not. Some people say - if program have green bar SSL then it have chance
to run longer. I would say that SSL encryption is highly overrated and
says absolutely nothing about program.
What it actually is?
Basically it just creates secure connection between your computer and
server. I made simple explanation image below. It works like this - if
you connect without SSL connection (HTTP) then your connection is not
encrypted and your internet service provider (ISP) logs what you are
doing on website and theoretically can spy on you. In real life no one
really cares what you are doing. On the other hand if you are using
connection where is SSL encryption (HTTPS) then your connection between
server and your computer is encrypted and your ISP can't spy on you.
Your ISP just see your first request to server when you try to connect,
after that everything is encrypted.
SSL explained |
Why SSL encryption in HYIP's is overrated?
Usually web hosting who allow to host HYIP's give basic SSL certificate
for free. Most of the HYIP programs already have basic free SSL
certificate. Surely, you understand that it says nothing about program!
Some people say that "Green bar SSL" is way better then "free SSL"
because there is real company behind it. "Green bar SSL" you can buy
online from many HYIP monitors, they offer such service, so if you can
buy it then you do not need real company behind it. I'm sure they just
fake documents of companies and send them to people what issue SSL
certificates. Again it says nothing about program.
Is SSL like money back guarantee?
Many HYIP sites show picture that "Program is insured by $1000000 or more because of SSL". Some of HYIP claim that this is money back guarantee! It is total bullshit, and this insurance is paid out only when someone cracks theirs SSL encryption, YOU WILL NOT GET MONEY BACK from company what issued SSL certificate if you invested in HYIP!
Why HYIP monitor admins and some people on forums care about SSL that much?
I think that many people check if there is SSL encryption or not -
because they are scammers/promoters themselves and they just want that
HYIP program have such encryption tunnel to hide their "work" with HYIP
program from their local ISP, their government, police etc. Of course
HYIP industry is small and most likely your government, police etc. do
not care about your promotion and your HYIP monitor, but somehow some of
them are so scared that they want to hide everything.
In the end I want to say that SSL certificate on website mean absolutely
nothing. If you see one - it is good, so admin is not complete newbie.
If you see "Green bar SSL" then you will know that admin has spent
little bit more money then usual, but again it mean absolutely nothing.
Again - SSL says nothing about how long program will survive. So, if you
see someone of forums cheering about SSL certificate, remember this
article, because most likely he do not know as much as you do :)