HYIP can be Addictive

Hello everyone,
This time i talks about HYIP addiction from what suffer some part of HYIP players. Even if you think that you are not addicted to HYIP I recommend to read this article anyway.
It is a fact that we humans can become addicted to things. We can get addicted to good things and we also can get addicted to things which just pretend to be good like drugs and – yes – gambling! I think most of you guys have heard about gambling addiction, some of you might be addicted to gambling themselves. One moment! Gambling addiction? What does that have to do with HYIP addiction? To make it short: It is in fact the same! HYIPs are gambling and thus if you are addicted to playing HYIPs you suffer a gambling addiction.
What are the signs of a HYIP addiction?
Preoccupation. The subject has frequent thoughts about HYIP experiences, whether past, future, or fantasy.
Tolerance. As with drug tolerance, the subject requires larger or more frequent wagers (HYIP investments) to experience the same “rush”.
Withdrawal. Restlessness or irritability associated with attempts to cease or reduce HYIP playing.
Escape. The subject plays with HYIPs to improve mood or escape problems.
Chasing. The subject tries to win back HYIP losses with more HYIP investments.
Loss of control. The person has unsuccessfully attempted to reduce HYIP playing activity.
If only some of this signs apply to you, it does not necessarily mean that you are HYIP addicted. Just try to stop the game and see what will happen. If you are not able to do so you are most likely HYIP addicted. But what to do against it? How to stop it? As HYIP addiction is a form of gambling addiction you can do the same as if you were addicted to roulette or poker: Contact a gambling addiction expert! In most countries there are free services who help you in case of gambling addiction. Also you will find a lot of helpful resources if you search for “gambling addiction help” on Google. The first step to get rid of the addiction is to realize the problem and make it harder for yourself to get access to HYIPs.
If you play in casino then your chances to win against casino is quite zero. If you play HYIP chances to win are higher, but this statement stays valid only in case, if admin plays well and if everything goes right. If something goes wrong then your chances again becomes zero. I must agree that if you suffer from true addiction then you must somehow heal it, but of course it is your own deal.
In general if we talk about addiction I have always liked this video from TED talks, link here. I recommend to watch that video, because it brings some interesting points about addiction in general.