What is DDOS Attack ?

Hello everyone,
You have heard that many HYIP pages are down for some time because of DDOS attacks. DDOS protection today is like "must have" standard for any given HYIP without any exception. What it really is and how does it work you can find out in following article.

DDOS attack (Distributed denial of service attack), sounds so smart, but it is relatively simply. For example there is 300 000 computers ("Slaves", see image below) what makes request to server ("Victim", see image below) in same time every second or millisecond. Surely, simple servers or shared hosting, what HYIP websites use is not capable to handle such amount of requests and they just stop working and you are not able to access your project.
There is two types of DDOS attacks what can happen to HYIP:
  • Imagine - you are successful HYIP admin and you see that there is some new project what is 5 times better then yours and you do not want that people would invest there. You do not like competitors, so you pay hackers to take this website down with DDOS attack. This is common practise for many HYIP admins and I'm sure that many admins do this.
  • There is people who send out e-mails to HYIP programs and ask them to pay some money (for example $200) otherwise they will DDOS them down. If admin do not pay money they just DDOS the website. I'm not sure if there is many people who do this blackmailing, but I hear such things regularly.
What happens with HYIP when it is DDOS'ed? 
With website nothing happens, but it is unaccessible. HYIP looses investor trust and many people start to panic in forums and other HYIP related resources. Sometimes starts "snowball" effect and because of big panic, admin just decides to close the project. I will say, that smart admin will never close project of DDOS attack, he would just handle DDOS attack or move website to another more secure DDOS service provider.
Where DDOS attack comes from?
DDOS attack must be expensive to do. Not really! I will not name places online, you can seek for them self. There is hackers who sell infected bot net attacks for $10 - $100. So cheap that anyone can buy DDOS bot net to take down website with weak or no DDOS protection for days or even a weeks.
How admins protect their websites?
I will name some of the most popular DDOS protected hosting providers. Mostly all of them you have heard many, many times. KoDDoS, BlockDos, RivalHost, Black Lotus Communications, CloudFlare, they all offer you possibility to secure your website from DDOS attacks. Surely, services with them is not cheap. If you can buy regular hosting for some webpage for $10, then here you pay $200 till $1000 monthly.
In the end I want to say that since HYIP is illegal then many people start to take advantage of DDOS attacks in HYIP industry. HYIP admins have no place where to go and tell this. If there is some DDOS attack to some company webpage they can go to Police, but where HYIP admin can go? To Police? Of course not!